
Academic journal publications (peer reviewed)

Dilworth, E., E. Tranos, & D.J Lawson (2025) Assessing geographic polarisation in Britain’s digital landscape through stable dynamic embedding of spatial web data. EPJ Data Sci. 14, 19. Link.

Zhou, Y. R. Harris & E. Tranos. (2023) A Study of the Predictors of Obesity Using UK Biobank Data and Machine Learning. Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis. 7 (2): 1-21. Link.

Budnitz, H., E. Tranos, and L. Chapman. 2023. Whether weather causes contention: assessing the ongoing resilience opportunity of telecommuting, GeoJournal, 88: 613–638. Link.

Tranos, E, A. Carrascal-Incera and G. Willis 2023. Using the Web to Predict Regional Trade Flows: Data Extraction, Modeling, and Validation, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 113(3): 717-739. Link, code, online material.

Stich, C., E. Tranos and M. Nathan. 2022. Modelling clusters from the ground up: a web data approach. Environment and Planning B, 50(1): 244-267. Link

Budnitz, H. and E. Tranos. 2022. Working from Home and Digital Divides: Resilience during the Pandemic, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 112(4) 2022: 893–913. Link, code, online material.

Wolf, L., S. Fox, R. Harris, R. Johnston, K. Jones, D. Manley, E. Tranos, and W. W. Wang. 2021. Quantitative geography III: Future challenges & challenging futures. Progress in Human Geography 45(3): 596-608. Link.

Stich C., E. Tranos, M. Musolesi and S. Lehmann. 2021. The role of space, time and sociability in predicting social encounters. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. In press. Link.

Tranos, E., and Y. Ioannides. 2021. Ubiquitous digital technologies and spatial structure; an update. PLOS ONE. Link. Code and data.

Willis, G., and E. Tranos. 2021. Using ‘big data’ to understand the impacts of Uber on taxis in New York City. Travel Behaviour and Society 22: 94-107. Link, preprint.

Tranos, E., T. Kitsos, and R. Ortega-Argilés. 2021. Digital economy in the UK: Regional productivity effects of early adoption. Regional Studies. 55:12, 1924-1938. Link.

Tranos, E., and Y. Ioannides. 2020. ICT and cities revisited. Telematics and Informatics 55: 101439. Link.

Budnitz, H., E. Tranos, and L. Chapman. 2020. Telecommuting and other trips: An English case study. Journal of Transport Geography 85:102713. Link.

Tranos, E. 2020. Social network sites and knowledge transfer: An urban perspective. Journal of Planning Literature 35 (4): 408-422. Link.

Budnitz, H., E. Tranos, and L. Chapman. 2020. Responding to stormy weather: Choosing which journeys to make. Travel Behaviour and Society 18. Link.

Tranos, E., and C. Stich. 2020. Individual internet usage and the availability of online content of local interest: A multilevel approach. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 79:101371. Link, data and code.

Arribas-Bel, D., and E. Tranos. 2018. Characterizing the spatial structure (s) of cities “on the fly”: The space-time calendar. Geographical Analysis 50 (2):162–181. Link.

Budnitz, H., L. Chapman, and E. Tranos. 2018. Better by bus? Insights into public transport travel behaviour during Storm Doris in Reading, UK. Weather 73 (2):54–60. Link.

Steenbruggen, J., E. Tranos, and P. Rietveld. 2016. Traffic incidents in motorways: An empirical proposal for incident detection using data from mobile phone operators. Journal of Transport Geography 54:81–90. Link.

Tranos, E., and E. A. Mack. 2016. Broadband provision and knowledge-intensive firms: A causal relationship? Regional Studies 50 (7):1113–1126. Link.

Tranos, E., and P. Nijkamp. 2015. Mobile phone usage in complex urban systems: A space–time, aggregated human activity study. Journal of Geographical Systems 17 (2):157–185. Link.

Tranos, E., M. Gheasi, and P. Nijkamp. 2015. International migration: A global complex network. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 42 (1):4–22. Link.

Steenbruggen, J., E. Tranos, and P. Nijkamp. 2015. Data from mobile phone operators: A tool for smarter cities? Telecommunications Policy 39 (3-4):335–346. Link.

Jacobs-Crisioni, C., P. Rietveld, E. Koomen, and E. Tranos. 2014. Evaluating the impact of land-use density and mix on spatiotemporal urban activity patterns: An exploratory study using mobile phone data. Environment and Planning A 46 (11):2769–2785. Link.

Tranos, E., K. Kourtit, and P. Nijkamp. 2014. Digital urban network connectivity: Global and Chinese internet patterns. Papers in Regional Science 93 (2):409–428. Link.

Tranos, E., and S. Davoudi. 2014. The regional impact of climate change on winter tourism in Europe. Tourism Planning & Development 11 (2):163–178. Link.

Tranos, E., and P. Nijkamp. 2013. The death of distance revisited: Cyber-place, physical and relational proximities. Journal of Regional Science 53 (5):855–873. Link.

  • Republished as: Tranos, E., and P. Nijkamp. 2013. A távolság halálának új vizsgálata: Kiberhely, földrajzi és kapcsolati közelség. Tér és Társadalom 27 (3):3–27. Link.

Tranos, E., A. Reggiani, and P. Nijkamp. 2013. Accessibility of cities in the digital economy. Cities 30:59–67. Link.

Tranos, E., and D. Gertner. 2012. Smart networked cities? Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 25 (2):175–190. Link.

Tranos, E. 2012. The causal effect of the internet infrastructure on the economic development of European city regions. Spatial Economic Analysis 7 (3):319–337. Link.

Tranos, E. 2011. The topology and the emerging urban geographies of the internet backbone and aviation networks in Europe: A comparative study. Environment and Planning A 43 (2):378–392. Link.

Tranos, E., and A. Gillespie. 2011. The urban geography of internet backbone networks in Europe: Roles and relations. Journal of Urban Technology 18 (1):35–50. Link.

Tranos, E., and A. Gillespie. 2009. The spatial distribution of internet backbone networks in Europe: A metropolitan knowledge economy perspective. European Urban and Regional Studies 16 (4):423–437. Link.

Petrakos, G. C., and E. Tranos. 2008. Egnatia odos and regional development: A theoretical and experimental study [in Greek]. Review of Economic Science 14:127–160. Link.


Tranos, E. 2013. The geography of the internet: Cities, regions and internet infrastructure in europe. Edward Elgar Publishing, 1-232. Link.

Guest editorials

Tranos, E. & E. Mack (2019) Big data: A new opportunity for transport geography? Journal of Transport Geography, 76, 232-234. Link.

Arribas‐Bel, D. & E. Tranos (2018) Big Urban Data: Challenges and Opportunities for Geographical Analysis. Geographical Analysis, 50 (2), 123-124. Link.

Tranos, E. & P. Nijkamp (2015) Editorial: Special issue on mobile phone data and geographic modelling. Telecommunication Policy, 39 (3-4), 333-334. Link.

Chapters in edited books and reports

Budnitz, H., E. Tranos, E. & L. Chapman (2021) Transport Modes and Big Data. In, Vickerman, R. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Transportation, 664-670. Elsevier. Link.

Tranos, E. (2021). Networks in the innovation process. In M. M. Fischer & P. Nijkamp (Eds.), Handbook of Regional Science, 2nd Edition, 853-868. Berlin - Heidelberg: Springer. Link.

Tranos, E. & C. Stich (2021) Online content of local interest and how it attracts individuals online. In Big Data Applications in Geography and Planning, ed. Birkin, M., Clarke, G., Corcoran, J. & Stimson, R., 121-143. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. Link.

Budnitz, H., L. Chapman & E. Tranos (2020) The potential for telecommuting to offer sustainable and resilient accessibility. In Urban Form and Accessibility: Social, Economic, and Environment Impacts, ed. Mulley, C. & J. D. Nelson, 157–172. Elsevier. Link.

Budnitz, H., L. Chapman & E. Tranos (2019) Weather, travel behavior, and the influence and potential of ICT to improve resilience. In The evolving impacts of ICT on activities and travel behavior, ed. E. Ben-Elia, 49–80. Academic Press. Link.

Tranos, E., J. Steenbruggen & P. Nijkamp (2018) Mobile phone operators, their (big) data and urban analysis. In Mulhal, R., Andres, L. & Bryson, J. (eds.) Regeneration Economies. 140-148, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. Link.

Tranos, E. (2018). Internet Backbones. In B. Warf (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Internet. Sage. Link.

Tranos, E. (2016). The Internet and its geography, growth and (digital) social capital. In R. Shearmur, D. Doloreux & C. Carrincazeaux (Eds.), Handbook on the Geography of Innovation, 356-369*.* Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. Link.

Tranos, E. (2014). Networks in the innovation process. In M. M. Fischer & P. Nijkamp (Eds.), Handbook of Regional Science, 489-504. Berlin - Heidelberg: Springer. Link.

Tranos, E. & P. Nijkamp (2014) Digital infrastructure and physical proximity. In A. Torre & F. Wallet (Eds.), Regional development and proximity relations, 267-290. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. Link.

Tranos, E. & P. Nijkamp (2014) Urban and regional analysis and the digital revolution: challenges and opportunities. In B. Derruder, S. Conventz, A. Thierstein & F. Witlox (Eds.), Hub cities in the knowledge economy, 145-162. Ashgate. Link.

Lückenkötter, J., Langeland, O., Langset, B., Tranos, E., Davoudi, S., & Lindner, C. (2013). Economic effects of climate change on Europe’s regions. In P. Schmidt-Thomé & S. Greiving (Eds.), European climate vulnerabilities and adaptation: A spatial planning perspective, 95-112. West Sussex: Wiley&Blackwell. Link.

Bradley, D., M. Coombes, J. Bradley, and E. Tranos. 2011. Assessing the importance and value of historic buildings to young people. English Heritage Research Report. Link.

Tranos, E. 2011. e-Regional science: Why should regional science focus on the digital revolution? Regional Insights 2 (2):5. Link.

Bradley, D., J. Bradley, M. Coombes, and E. Tranos. 2009. Sense of place and social capital and the historic built environment. CURDS/Bradley Research and Consulting for English Heritage. Link.

Book reviews

Tranos, E. 2020. Book review: The Internet city: People, companies, systems and vehicles by A. Kellerman. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 111 (2):196–198. Link.

Tranos, E., R. Kleinhans, D. Manley, & M. Batty. 2020. Book review symposium: Inventing future cities by M. Batty. Progress in Human Geography, 45 (5), 1329-1335. Link.

Tranos, E. (2015). Book review: An introduction to R for spatial analysis and mapping by C. Brunsdon & L. Comber. Environment and Planning B, 43, 435-436. Link.

Tranos, E. (2013). Book review: Complexity, Cognition and the City by J. Portugali. Environment and Planning B, 40, 183-184. Link.


Levelling up Digital Divides: it’s not just about infrastructure. (2021) BDFI Blog. Link.

A transition to working from home won’t slash emissions unless we make car-free lifestyles viable. (2020) The Conversation. Link.

Web Archives: A Tool for Geographical Research? 2018 The British Library, UK Web Archive Blog. Link.

Harnessing the Digital Economy: The Role of Early Adoption of Digital Technologies. (2021) CityREDI Blog. Link.

Facebook Award. (2020) Jean Golding Institute Blog. Link.

Social Network Sites and Knowledge Transfer: an Urban Perspective (2020) Digital Societies. Link.

Emmanouil Tranos
Professor of Quantitative Human Geography