Material and immaterial regional interdependencies: using the web to predict regional trade flows

Emmanouil Tranos, Andre Carrascal Incera & George Willis

University of Bristol, Alan Turing Institute
, @EmmanouilTranos,


  • Introduction
  • Empirical strategy
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Results
  • Conclusions


Regional trade flow

  • Regions are more specialised and open than countries
  • Important external trade dependences (Thissen et al. 2016)
  • Regions vary in terms of their specialisation patterns and, therefore, in their trade relationships and openness

Regional trade flow

  • Knowing and predicting regional trade then helps to understand:
    • regional economic performance
    • exposure to external shocks
    • place-based development
  • Employment vulnerability and transmission of internal and external shocks is different for different regions.
  • Workers in regions in the US with a specialisation in specific manufacturing industries were more vulnerable for the emergence of China (Autor et al. 2013)

Regional trade flow: hardly any data

  • Big caveat: interregional trade data
  • Europe: spatially disaggregated IO for NUTS2 regions (Thissen et al., 2018)
  • Coslty, difficult exercise

Our contribution

  • Utilise the digital traces that interregional trade leave behind
  • Model and predict interregional trade flows for the UK
  • Scrape open web data
  • Hyperlinks between commercial websites
  • Machine learning techniques for out-of-sample predictions
  • Hypothesis: such hyperlinks reflect business and trade relations

Web data and spatial research

Web data and businesses

  • Businesses may not expose all of their strategies on their websites, but neither do they do during surveys (Arora et al. 2013)
  • Business websites:
    • spreading information
    • establishing a public image
    • supporting online transactions
    • sharing opinions

Data science: new wine in old bottles?

Spatial interaction predictions

  • Plenty of ML applications predicting out-of-sample flows:
    • Robinson and Dilkina (2018) used XGBoost and Artificial Neural Network models to predict global migration
    • Tribby et al. (2017) used RF to select variables associated with walking route choice models
    • Guns and Rousseau (2014) use RF to predict and recommend high-potential research collaborations, which have not yet been materialised

Spatial interaction predictions

  • Current economic thinking advocates towards the use of ML algorithm such as Random Forest
  • They tend to outperform ordinary least squares in out-of-sample predictions even when using moderate size training datasets and limited number of predictors (Mullainathan and Spiess 2017; Athey and Imbens 2019).

Empirical strategy

Web data: The Internet Archive

  • The largest archive of webpages in the world
  • 273 billion webpages from over 361 million websites, 15 petabytes of storage (1996 -)
  • A web crawler starts with a list of URLs (a seed list) to crawl and downloads a copy of their content
  • Using the hyperlinks included in the crawled URLs, new URLs are identified and crawled (snowball sampling)
  • Time-stamp

Web data: The Internet Archive

Web data: The Internet Archive

Our web data

  • JISC UK Web Domain Dataset: all archived webpages from the .uk domain 1996-2010
  • Curated by the British Library
  • Tranos, E., and C. Stich. 2020. Individual internet usage and the availability of online content of local interest: A multilevel approach. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 79:101371
  • Tranos, E., T. Kitsos, and R. Ortega-Argilés, R. 2020 Digital economy in the UK: Regional productivity effects of early adoption. Forthcoming

Our web data

  1. Geoindex: a subset of the .uk archived webpages which contain a UK postcode
  2. Hyperlinks

Modelling strategy

\[trade_{ijt} = hyperlinks_{ijt} + distance_{ij} + \\ pop.density_{it} + pop.density_{it} + empl_{it} + empl_{jt} + e_{ijt}\]

  • Avoid overfit
  • Predict inter-regional trade flows using Random Forests (RF)
  • Widely used both for regression and classification problems (Biau 2012)
  • Can handle skewed distributions and outliers
  • Effectively model non-linear relationships
  • Small number of hyperparameters that need to be tuned, low sensitivity
  • Short training time (Caruana, Karampatziakis, and Yessenalina 2008; Liaw, Wiener, and others 2002; Yan, Liu, and Zhao 2020)

Modelling strategy: Random Forests

  • RF is a tree-based ensemble learning method (Breiman 2001)
  • Creates random samples of the training data, which are then used to grow an equivalent number of regression trees to predict the dependent variable
  • Decision trees are trained in parallel on their own sample of the training data created with bootstrapping
  • To make a prediction for regression problems, RF average the predictions of all decision trees

Modelling strategy: rolling forecasting

  • Train RF models on data from years \(t\) and \(t + 1\) to increase the size of the training dataset
  • 10-fold cross validation
  • Predict unseen data from year \(t + 2\)
  • No data pooling to maintain their temporal structure both for methodological and conceptual reasons.
  • No data leakage

Modelling strategy: predictive performance

\[\begin{align} R^2 = 1 - \frac{\sum_{k} (y_{k} - \hat{y_{k}})^2} {\sum_{k} (y_{k} - \overline{y_{k}})^2} \label{eq:rsquared} \end{align}\]

\[\begin{align} MAE = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k = 1}^{N} |\hat{y_{k}} - y_{k}| \label{eq:mae} \end{align}\]

\[\begin{align} RMSE = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{k = 1}^{N} (\hat{y_{k}} - y_{k})^2} {N}} \label{eq:rmse} \end{align}\]

  • Larger errors carry more weight for \(RMSE\)

Data cleaning

Unique postcodes frequencies, 2000

level freq perc cumfreq cumperc
(0,1] 41596 0.718 41596 0.718
(1,2] 6451 0.111 48047 0.830
(2,10] 6163 0.106 54210 0.936
(10,100] 2975 0.051 57185 0.988
(100,1000] 646 0.011 57831 0.999
(1000,10000] 62 0.001 57893 1.000
(10000,100000] 4 0.000 57897 1.000
  • Websites with a large number of postcodes: e.g. directories, real estate websites
  • Websites with a unique location \(\Leftarrow\) The focus of analysis for now

Directory website with a lot of postcodes

Website with a unique postcode in London

Desctiptive statistics

Interregional trade flows

Correlations with interregional trade

year hyperlinks distance
2000 0.539 -0.219
2001 0.578 -0.221
2002 0.793 -0.221
2003 0.483 -0.220
2004 0.807 -0.223
2005 0.643 -0.219
2006 0.585 -0.219
2007 0.598 -0.214
2008 0.491 -0.205
2009 0.922 -0.207
2010 0.674 -0.205


Modelling strategy

\[trade_{ijt} = hyperlinks_{ijt} + distance_{ij} + \\ pop.density_{it} + pop.density_{it} + empl_{it} + empl_{jt} + e_{ijt}\]

  • Rolling forecasting
  • Train RF models on data from years \(t\) and \(t + 1\)
  • 10-fold cross validation
  • Predict unseen data from year \(t + 2\)

Train on year t and t + 1

Feature importance

Test on t + 2

year RMSE Rsquared MAE
2002 951.04 0.96 166.99
2003 1254.95 0.94 230.47
2004 1019.69 0.95 179.42
2005 1852.54 0.89 310.94
2006 1713.55 0.92 307.53
2007 1974.77 0.90 210.49
2008 1534.67 0.92 248.84
2009 1237.98 0.93 215.63
2010 3165.46 0.63 302.44

Test on t + 2


  • Interregional trade is difficult to capture
  • Current state-of-the art: distance decay
  • Interregional trade leaves digital paper trail
  • Prediction framework
  • Spatially and industrially disaggregated approaches
  • Opportunity for local authorities to estimate their export base / specialisations
  • Next steps: sectoral trade


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